Addons creation

Kwiscale provides extensibility for session and template engines. Soon, an ORM will be provided and you will be able to create database drivers.

Template addons


Built-in template is based on “html/template” built-in package and doesn’t need any dependency. But you may prefer to use other templates (eg. Pango2)

Kwiscale implements a template addons system to allows usage of other templates.

Build a template addon

Create a directory where you’ll develop template addon. The package file should call kwiscale.RegisterTemplateEngine() function.

The package name is not important and will not be visible by developpers. But a common way to name the package is kwiscaletemplate[name].

Commonly, you have to call this function in the init() function of your package.

package kwiscaletemplateexample


func init(){
    kwiscale.RegisterTemplateEngine("example", MyTemplateEngine{})

// should implement kwiscale.Template interface
type MyTemplateEngine struct {


The interface to implement:

type Template interface {
 // Render method to implement to compile and run template
 // then write to RequestHandler "w" that is a io.Writer.
 Render(w io.Writer, template string, ctx interface{}) error

 // SetTemplateDir should set the template base directory

 // SetOptions pass TplOptions to template engine
  • Render(w, template, ctx) should write content in the writer “w”. “template” is the template filename to use and “ctx” contains values to set in the template
  • SetTemplateDir() should register where templates reside. The path comes from template.dir yaml value or Config.TemplateDir
  • SetTemplateOptions() receive other configuration that comes from Config.TemplateOptions or templates.options yaml configuration. Some template engine may need some special configuration and they are provided that way